In early September 2023, my friend Hezy (Hezekiah) and I were taking our routine walk along O Street in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska, from Centennial Mall to Ninth Street, and then around the corner to P Street and back. On this particular evening, a woman in her early to mid-30s approached us with urgency, asking for a moment of our time. She confided in us, explaining that she was being followed. Recognizing us as trustworthy individuals, she sought refuge and safety.
She informed us that she was a flight attendant from Las Vegas, staying at the Cornhusker Hotel. She had ventured down to the Haymarket to grab a meal at HopCat. On her way back, she sensed someone tailing her. It became apparent that the man following her was not merely another pedestrian; he was deliberately closing in on her, causing her great distress.
As fate would have it, the man passed by us while we were talking to the woman, likely recognizing that his malicious intentions were thwarted. Together, we accompanied her to the street corner directly across from the Cornhusker Hotel. Our presence that night, our willingness to stand by her, shielded her from potential harm. It was a testament to the collective responsibility we share for one another’s safety. In that moment, and perhaps every night we take our walk, we became the Protectors of Lincoln.
Reflecting on this incident, I’m contemplating getting matching T-shirts for Hezy and myself that proudly proclaim our role as Protectors of Lincoln, a reminder of our shared duty to ensure the safety and well-being of those around us.”