Money. It’s something that we all need to make unless we were born independently weathly.
I just re-joined a website after years. While I never made much money on that site I did make a little bit and at the same time met some wonderful people. The site had been gone for awhile but it has recently been re-born so to speak. It is unfortunately now devoid of having a referral program. The site is a social network per se where you get paid for the discussions which you have with others.
The name of the site is myLot.
Simply go to and join. If they ever offer a referral program again I will be updating this post with such information.
On myLot I can discuss opportunities or how to make money online but I am not allowed to post referral or other URLs on my discussions. Therefore I am simply telling people to go here to my personal blog to find the URLs for such opportunities or to links to my other websites and blogs.
In the discussion I started there called Making Money Online I mentioned three opportunities and some people have not heard of any of them.
This is a site where you can sign up to sell both handmade and or vintage items. In addition they do have an affiliate program however they do not have a referral program. Here are the links to two of the shops which I manage there. Make Me Buttons and All That We Have Store
This is an affiliate program in which you can sign people up (sponsor them) and you and they earn money through Versa Points which are created by actions. In addition there is a storefront called TripleClicks for which you can bid on penny auctions, play games, and do other things which make you money.
For other marketing opportunities go to my website Marketing Success which you can find at
The Hive
This is an opportunity where you pay just a small one time fee to join. That fee is only $10. You also have the ability to PIF other people, that is Pay It Forward. Click on the link to go to our funnel and register to find out more.
This is another feeder program and you can register for free and then upgrade to the first level for only a $50 one time fee. This Christian faith based business opportunity can reportedly start bringing you up to $5,000 again and again if you follow their steps.
Have a great day.