Review of
This is a review of which used to be an eCommerce site titled
When they were No More Rack the website was a great place to order various products. I had ordered bed sheets, both fitted and non-fitted and received them within about a week.
Something I really need due to a health issue is compression socks. I ordered three pairs of these from Choxi on August 20th and as of October 18th have still not received them. I therefore as of a few minutes ago from writing this blog post have sent a message to customer support at asking to be refunded in full. There is no evidence that the socks had been set. Having to send this message to them is definitive proof of Choxi becoming a site providing very poor customer relations.
After the long wait on these socks I talked to a friend of mine that had been a previous customer of No More Rack and had always got great service. She decided to order from Choxi earlier in 2016 for her nephew’s birthday. She ordered a gift for him about a month before his birthday and a month after his birthday her nephew had still not been received.
A Good Company?
A good company with great customer service would have caught this incident of a product not being sent within a couple of weeks. It has now been almost two months. The only thing that gives me some hopeĀ about this situation being resolved is that I most likely get a refund.
It is very sad and disappointing when a good eCommerce site goes bad but this seems to be the case with I would seriously recommend staying away from them. This is only my opinion based upon my experience with the company. If you have had a more positive experience or a similar experience please add a comment for this post.
i never did receive any replies and never received a refund. This company is gone and out of business. Good riddance to bad rubbish!