Did you know that you can resolve conflict through the proper use of social skills?
Sometimes conflict is imminent. Social skills are specific behaviors that people use while interacting with others. Used properly social skills facilitate positive interaction and communication with others.
These skills can be verbal. Pay attention to what is said during a conversation and how it is said. The choice of words is very important.
Nonverbal communication is just as important. Your body language, facial features, eye contact and voice tone make a difference in how your message comes across.
Social skills are life skills. Some people are better with these skills and with their communication than other people are.
Good social skills can help to resolve interpersonal conflict. These methods can also be used to resolve conflict between opposing groups.
Conflict arises anytime that there is a disagreement or argument.
It can simply be a mild disagreement about something, or it can also be more serious, such as a dispute or a clash. If not resolved it could lead to an argument or a physical altercation. Poor social skills are usually the reason for an escalation of emotions when this occurs.
The strategies to be discussed demonstrate the balance between concern for self and for others. Of course the best strategy is one in which all individuals involved are put into a win/win situation.
The first strategy that I will mention is simply one in which the problem is smoothed over. It appears on the surface that harmony is maintained, however, conflict still exists. One person is probably okay with this, but the other person is not okay. Even though the problem seems to be resolved it is not. This strategy or almost lack of strategy is a poor use of social communication skills.
Don’t ignore the problem
An even worse way of dealing with conflict totally ignores that there is a problem. This is referred to as denial or avoidance of a problem. This method should not be used as it will create a lose/lose situation. There will most likely end up being bad feelings between the persons or groups involved if this method is used. As with smoothing over a problem this way of dealing with an issue is a result of using dysfunctional social skills.
Another method of conflict resolution that I shall mention is the compete or fight strategy. This method, while it may satisfy some of the participants in the conflict will create a winner and a loser. There is no outlet for the loser to express their feelings and concerns it. Therefore, it can lead to bad feelings and even a possible resurgence of conflict.
The next method of conflict resolution to be mentioned is compromise or negotiating. This is better than a win/lose, however, it is still not quite a win/win. In a compromise or negotiation both parties agree to give up something. This is done in order to come to an agreed upon mid-point solution to the problem.
Create a win/win situation
The best of the methods of conflict resolution is collaboration. Collaboration occurs when people work together to achieve a shared goal. It is the ideal outcome. It does, however, require an input of time for the involved parties to work through the difficulties.
A win/win situation is what we should always be strive for. Without a win/win someone always loses. Collaboration is the winner among these techniques of conflict resolution.
Although I did not write it here is another helpful article about using social skills for the purpose of conflict resolution.