Good Health In The Days Of Covid
Featured image attributed to Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash
I consider myself blessed as not to have contracted the COVID-19 virus although being exposed to it at my job at a group home. Several of the clients, and several of my co-workers did end up getting the virus, and I was around them a great deal of the time. Because of cold or allergy symptoms making me think that I had Covid 19 I did get tested twice. Both times the test came back negative. I did use recommended masking, good handwashing along with hand sanitizer, and also social distancing as much as possible within the facility. I also have taken a daily regimen of 4,000-6,000 IU of Vitamin D, the recommended amount of Zinc, and a product by a health supplement Blue Bonnet called Super Quercitin that contains that in addition to Quercitin contains Vitamin C, Acerola, and Bromelain.
I didn’t get the virus which is a good thing. I had heard a conspiracy theory saying that the COVID vaccines contained nanoparticles and also that the vaccines hadn’t been tested for long enough. Because of this, I was paranoid and I wasn’t going to get the vaccine. Some of my friends at work got a very bad case of the virus. One of my supervisors was ill for over three weeks plus with the virus affecting his blood sugars. Another co-worker lost his grandmother to the virus. Therefore just to be on the safe side I decided to take the vaccine when it was offered to the people employed at my workplace. First off conspiracy theories are just that, conspiracies, and have little truth to them if any. Nanoparticles are much too large to go through the small skinny needles being used. And mRNA vaccines such as those used by Pfizer and Moderna have been being studied and tested for years.
Although there are a handful of people out there that are allergic to ingredients in the vaccine people are screened for these by a questionnaire before having the vaccine administered. A waiting time of fifteen to thirty minutes afterward is also recommended before leaving the medical facility or the vicinity of medical attendants. That is because if there are any major side effects they will usually occur in that time if they are allergy related. Now side effects within the next few days may vary from nothing to a very sore arm, to a fever, headache, nausea and even vomiting. Usually, there is no issue with the first shot.
My own experience with the vaccine is as follows. I took the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on January 14th, 2021 with the only side effect being a moderately sore arm for about three days. I had the second shot on February 9th, 2021. The day after the second dose my arm was much sorer than the first time, I would say somewhere between moderately and severely. Even following recommendations to drink lots of water before and after the second dose I still had worse side effects than the simple sore arm of the first dose. On the second day after the second dose, I started to feel somewhat nauseated, with a headache, and also felt quite dizzy. Because of this, I didn’t feel good enough to go to work as I didn’t feel that I could do my job effectively feeling that way. I was also very tired. I slept quite a bit on February 11th and started to feel better before midnight and as I write this at 5:48 A.M., and yes I am a night owl, I feel much better and prepared for a new day.
It’s important to address the misinformation and conspiracy theories surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. As I mentioned, the vaccines have been extensively studied and tested, and have been shown to be safe and effective in preventing severe illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19. The side effects, while uncomfortable, are generally mild and short-lived.
Overall, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a crucial step in protecting ourselves and our communities from the ongoing pandemic. While there may be some hesitancy or concerns surrounding the vaccine, it’s important to seek out reliable information and consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions.
I finish this with the following and of course, it is just an opinion. Hopefully, someone doesn’t tell me to put my opinion somewhere, but my opinion is unless you are allergic to the vaccine ingredients, to take the vaccine. It is better than having COVID-19.